Ranking & Domain age

The most frequently asked question is What is Domain Age? And is it really important & effective in terms of SEO ??
The short answer to this question is: Yes, Domain Age is an important factor for ranking your site in the Google search engine. Among the hundreds of factors that Google takes into account “in determining how search engine results are ranked” are domain age and, on the other hand, how long your domain has been online.>
It is worth mentioning that the age of the domain at Google not only refers to the amount of time spent since the moment you purchased your domain, but refers to the moment that Google indexed your site or the moment that Google saw your site's link in one of the sites that refer to your site. If the site is 10 years old and does not have content in it, it does not mean that Google considers it 10 years, but count it from the moment Google has archived the site.
What is the importance of domain age in the process of sorting and ranking in Google?
There are discussions about how important the domain age is to get a good ranking in the search engine. Google's search quality manager, tells us the answer to this question.
There is a set of points that rely on Google in the evaluation of the domain and here’s the most important factors included in Google's algorithms for rating domains:-
The presence of the keyword in the domain name.
Keyword position in the domain name.
Local domains such as www.example.us,ae,uk...etc.
EMD “Exact Match Domain”, It determines whether the content of the site actually matches the domain name or not.
Expiration date of domain:
If you have booked a domain for 3 years, you are more likely to get a better ranking than those who booked their domains for only one year.
You may also want to check How to improve your domain authority?
Updated on: 22/03/2023
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