How to cancel the order if it's freshly submitted?
You need to be logged in so that you have access to this feature and check your reports.
First, log in your account by submitting username, email address and, password, then click on the login icon.
Click on “Reports” tab on the SEOeStore homepage as shown below:
You will be directed to the reports section where you can view all orders statuses and follow up with your processing orders.
You can cancel any order you make on the spot and as long as its status is “pending” by going to the Reports section.
Then, you can cancel by pressing on the drop down menu next to your order ID and choose “cancel order”.
First, log in your account by submitting username, email address and, password, then click on the login icon.
Click on “Reports” tab on the SEOeStore homepage as shown below:
You will be directed to the reports section where you can view all orders statuses and follow up with your processing orders.
You can cancel any order you make on the spot and as long as its status is “pending” by going to the Reports section.
Then, you can cancel by pressing on the drop down menu next to your order ID and choose “cancel order”.
Updated on: 12/09/2022
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