FAQs | Orders & Reports
How many links can I add per order?
Unlimited links are accepted for each campaign as we will use all URLs for all keywords randomly.
*Note: It’s recommended to add 1:3 links per order (links should have no problem to be used with any of the submitted keywords per the same order)
How many keywords can I add per order?
You can use unlimited keywords, but we recommend using 3-10 keywords per order.
Can I add Non-English keywords?
We use English related articles with your exact keywords as you type in your own language. It will still rank and there should be no worries.
What should I do if I want to add many links & keywords per order?
You can surely do so, but please note that our team will randomly pick up keywords & links per order.
Can I add my own article while I make an order?
You can send your article link to NOTES only when you are making an order for the following services: WEB2.0 , DA70+ , DA50+ , FM+, without choosing any of our available article categories in the same order.
Why was my order canceled?
Your order is canceled mostly because it went against our terms of service. You can check our Terms Of Service.
Is it possible to cancel my order if I submitted wrong data?
You can cancel any order you make on the spot no matter what the reason is and as long as its status is Pending by going to the Reports section.
Then, you can cancel by pressing on the drop down menu next to your order ID and choose “cancel order”
Note: this process should be done while the order’s status is “Pending” only and before it turns into “Processing”, as it’s not available to cancel it while it’s “Processing” and “Completed”.
Will I get a report after making the order?
Sure, once you made your order it will be "Pending"
after a while, it will be "Processing"
then "completed", and you will find a report beside it (it is .zip file available for download)
It contains:
report.text file for links.
report.CSV file for links with details.
accounts.csv for the account details created.
What is the average delivery time?
If you make your order within our working time, then it may be delivered within a couple of hours.
In general it takes about 24 hrs. for all orders to be delivered.
In tier2 orders it may take a bit more time.
For orders that are in Human-Quality Content services may take a bit more time up to 48 hrs.
I think there is something wrong with my report, what should I do?
You can contact us via live chat or file a Ticket
Then, you can click on “Submit New Ticket”
Our team will gladly assist you with your order issue and take necessary actions solving your case.
I want articles close to my website niche, what should I do?
You can select your own article category or the closest category to your website niche while making your order from the order making page by clicking on the “Article Category” icon.
OR (Recommended)
you can order “Human-Quality Content” which is available while you are making order in service: WEB2.0 blogs premium backlinks service and it’s available too as an extra service while you are making order in services: WEB2.0, DA and FM+
Per this feature, You will get human quality unique articles about your website niche.
What's meant by the "Minimum Quantity" while I am making the order?
The minimum quantity means the least amount of backlinks to be ordered per each service.
Updated on: 02/08/2022
Thank you!